What are Pawtucket City Public Records?
The Rhode Island APRA describes Pawtucket City public records as information produced or received by a public agency or as required by the agency to perform its official business. According to the act, public records should be available to parties that submit official requests to the custodian agency, regardless of the record's characteristics or physical form. Generally, Pawtucket City public records may be documents, books, tapes, films, photographs, sound recordings, electronic data, and other forms of record storage. Members of the general public may inspect or obtain most public records in Pawtucket City. However, Rhode Island law considers some records confidential and exempts them from public disclosure. The following are examples of exempt records:
- All tax returns
- All records considered confidential by federal law or regulation, state law, or court rule
- Records containing information protected by the attorney-client privilege
- Medical information, including details related to a doctor-patient relationship
- Trade secrets, financial information, or commercial information of a confidential nature
- Law enforcement records created for criminal law enforcement purposes and related to crime investigation and detection. These records are confidential to the extent that they would compromise an investigation, reveal law enforcement techniques, deprive a person of their right to a fair trial, or endanger the life or safety of any person
- Preliminary drafts, memoranda, notes, work products, or working papers created or maintained by a public agency. However, such records submitted at a public meeting are considered open to public disclosure
- Health records containing a patient’s medical history, condition, diagnosis, or treatment
- School district documents created to protect students from threats
- Real estate appraisal, evaluation, engineering, and feasibility estimate records for property acquisition or construction contracts until the acquisition is complete or contract is awarded
- Mental health care records, unless disclosure is allowed by mental health law for court proceedings, or if the subject or the subject’s guardian provides written permission
- Family court records of delinquent, neglected, or mentally defective children
- Security plans and scientific or technological secrets of law enforcement agencies where disclosure could affect security or public welfare
- Examination data, such as scoring keys and test questions, used for academic, employment, licensing, or promotion examinations
- Advisory opinion requests until the agency discloses the opinion
In addition to government agencies. public city records may also be accessible from third-party websites. Record seekers may either opt to use these non-governmental platforms to search for a specific record or multiple city records. However, users will need to provide enough information to assist with the search, such as:
- The address of the requestor
- A case number or file number (if known)
- The location of the document or person involved
- The name of the subject involved in the record (not juvenile)
- The last known or current address of the registrant
Third-party sites are not sponsored by government agencies. Because of this, record availability and results may vary.
Pawtucket City Crime Statistics
The Rhode Island State Police (RISP) administers the state’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, which provides statewide crime statistics. In its 2020 report, the RISP revealed 3,913 reported offenses for Pawtucket City. Specifics include 4 homicides, 64 sex offenses, 36 robberies, 208 aggravated assaults, 614 simple assaults, and 13 arson incidents. Other reported crimes include 219 burglary offenses, 156 narcotic violations, 1,085 larcenies, 220 motor vehicle thefts, 111 weapon law violations, and 351 cases of fraud. The report also shows that 4,242 offenses were reported in 2019, representing a 7.75% reduction in crime. Compared to the 2016 total of 5,082, the RISP’s figures reveal a 23% crime reduction over the five-year period between 2016 and 2020.
Are Pawtucket City Criminal Records Public?
Access to Pawtucket city criminal records varies on a case-by-case basis. According to state law, interested persons may contact the Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) at the Attorney General’s Office to obtain personal criminal history information by mail or in-person. However, the bureau may allow requestors to obtain third-party records upon providing a release form signed by the subject of the record, before a Notary Public.
Eligible parties may submit requests to the Attorney General’s Customer Service Center in Cranston. All requests require one of the following valid forms of identification:
- State-issued identification card
- State-issued driver’s license
- United States Passport
Mail requestors must submit a completed release form in English or Spanish, a $5 check or money order made out to "BCI", a copy of a valid photo ID, and a self-addressed and stamped return envelope. In-person requestors must also provide valid identification and pay with money orders, checks, or credit cards. Applicants should note that mail requests may take up to seven business days. All persons should forward requests to the:
Rhode Island Office of the Attorney General
Customer Service Center
Cranston, RI 02920
Phone: (401) 274-4400
How to Obtain Pawtucket City Police Reports and Arrest Records
Residents may request police reports and arrest records from the Pawtucket Police Department. Interested parties may complete a copy of the Police Department’s request form with details such as the incident date and time, names of persons involved, incident type, incident location, and the requestor’s contact information. Each Pawtucket City arrest record or police report costs $5 by mail or 15 cents per page for in-person requests.
Requestors should note that not all desired information is available as Rhode Island law allows the Police Department to redact sensitive information from reports. Also, some Pawtucket arrest records and police reports may not be available depending on the investigation status. All interested applicants should submit requests to the:
Pawtucket Police Department
121 Roosevelt Avenue
Pawtucket, RI 02860
Phone: (401) 727-9100
Fax: (401) 727-9133
Email: administrator@pawtucketpolice.com
How to Find Sex Offender Information in Pawtucket City?
Persons seeking information on Pawtucket City sex offenders may search the RISP’s sex offender registry by name or area. Using the name search, interested requestors may enter the offender’s first name or last name. However, the area search requires an address, city, and zip code. The registry also features a city search that lists all sex offenders registered in the provided city and a separate search for non-compliant offenders.
Search results display details of registered offenders, including names, aliases, registration numbers, classification levels, physical descriptions, and addresses. Provided information also includes each offender's photograph, offense details, and current status. In addition, members of the general public can register on the platform for email alerts sent when an offender registers close to the user's address.
How to Find Pawtucket City Inmate Records
Members of the public can find Pawtucket City inmate records using the inmate search function provided by the Rhode Island Department of Corrections (RIDOC). Because the department operates a unified correctional system, all pretrial detainees and sentenced offenders in the state are managed by the RIDOC, regardless of the inmate’s offense or sentence. Interested persons may search for Pawtucket inmate records by providing inmate details, such as the last name, first name, inmate ID, race, sex, age range, and last known city. The registry displays sentencing information, expected release date, charge description, disposition description, and the inmate’s booking date.
How Do I Visit an Inmate in the Pawtucket City Jail?
The Rhode Island Department of Corrections allows inmates to receive onsite and video visits from family and friends. Interested persons may schedule video visits via the RIDOC’s third-party vendor, or contact the department for onsite visits and scheduling, using the following details:
Rhode Island Department of Corrections
40 Howard Avenue
Cranston, RI 02920
Phone: (401) 462-1000
The RIDOC operates seven facilities, including the following:
Facilities for Males
Facilities for Females
All onsite visitors must provide valid identification, such as a valid driver’s license, military ID card, or an ID card from the Department of Transportation, Division of Motor Vehicles, or the Office of Healthy Aging.
Minors must visit with a parent or guardian, or with written consent from a parent or guardian if accompanied by another adult. All visitors must pass through a metal detector and may be subject to further hand frisks, pat-downs, or hand-held metal detector searches. Any visitor who refuses will be denied entry.
Each visitor should be on the inmate’s approved visitation list and must pass background checks before approval. Sentenced inmates may include a maximum of 9 names on their lists. Furthermore, a visitor cannot appear on more than one inmate’s visitors list at a time. However, the RIDOC may waive this rule if the person has more than one incarcerated immediate family member. Inmates in disciplinary confinement are not allowed visits.
Remote visits are also available at $5 per 20-minute session and should be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. Visitors should note that this fee is applicable unless the visit does not happen due to a failure on the RIDOC's part. All visits are monitored and will be terminated for inappropriate conversations.
What are Pawtucket City Vital Records?
Pawtucket City vital records contain details of marriages, divorces, births, and deaths that take place in the city. These records are official government-generated documents maintained by the Providence County Family Law Court and the Pawtucket City Clerk’s Office. Interested persons should note that not all Pawtucket vital records are public.
Where and How to Obtain Pawtucket City Divorce Records?
Pawtucket City divorce records are obtainable at the Providence County Family Law Court. Persons seeking these records may contact the court with details of the desired records. Applicants should provide information such as the divorced parties' names, divorce date, a case number, and other available details. Parties should note that the Family Court may charge requestors copy fees before making records available. Applicants should submit requests for Pawtucket City divorce decrees to the:
Providence/Bristol County Family Court
Garrahy Judicial Complex
One Dorrance Plaza
Providence, RI 02903
Phone: (401) 458-3200
Members of the general public may also access Pawtucket City divorce records via the Rhode Island Judiciary’s Public Portal. Using the provided Smart Search, parties may find records by record number, last name, first name, and other advanced filtering options.
Where and How to Get Public Pawtucket City Marriage Records
The Pawtucket City Clerk’s Office maintains records of city marriages since 1765. Under state law, marriage records are only available to the general public 100 years after the marriage date. Records less than 100 years old are only available to the person named on the record, and the following related persons:
- Parent, legal guardian, sibling, or authorized agent
- Attorney, title examiner, or member of a genealogical society
- Anyone who needs the record to protect or determine property or personal rights
- A requester with a court order
Pawtucket City marriage certificates are available online, in person, or by mail. Mail and online requests cost $25 for the first certificate and $18 for each extra copy of the same record if ordered simultaneously. Online requests are payable by credit cards and cost an additional $5 processing fee. To request by mail, the applicant must enclose a check or money order made out to the "City of Pawtucket," a copy of a valid photo ID, and a written request containing both parties' names and the marriage date.
In-person requestors may provide photo identification and required record details at the City Clerk's Office. However, the first copy from an in-person request costs $22, while subsequent copies cost $18 each. All requests should be submitted at the following address:
Pawtucket City Clerk’s Office
Pawtucket City Hall
Room 301
137 Roosevelt Avenue
Pawtucket, RI 02860
Phone: (401) 728-0500, extension 349
Where and How to Find Pawtucket City Birth Records
Pawtucket City birth records are requestable online, by mail, and in person from the City Clerk’s Office. While the office has records that date back to 1728, members of the public can only obtain Pawtucket City birth certificates that are at least 100 years old. Only the following persons can obtain copies of records within 100 years of the birth:
- The subject named on the record
- The subject’s parent, sibling, authorized agent, or guardian
- Anyone authorized by a court order
- A party requesting the record to determine a property or personal interest
A mail order requires a written request with the name of the subject, mother’s maiden name, and father’s name. The applicant should enclose the request with a copy of a photo ID and a check or money order payable to the “City of Pawtucket”. Mail and online requests cost $25 for the first copy and $18 for each additional copy. Parties requesting in person may visit the clerk’s office with a photo ID and pay $22 for the first copy and $18 for each additional copy. All orders for Pawtucket birth certificates should be submitted to the:
Pawtucket City Clerk’s Office
Pawtucket City Hall
Room 301
137 Roosevelt Avenue
Pawtucket, RI 02860
Phone: (401) 728-0500, extension 349
Where and How to Find Pawtucket City Death Records
Pawtucket City death records are available at the City Clerk's Office for all deaths since 1728. However, access to Pawtucket City death certificates less than 50 years old is only available to the decedent's siblings, parents, guardians, or other authorized agents. The Clerk's Office also grants access to persons with court orders and individuals requesting for personal or property rights purposes.
Interested persons may apply online, by mail, or in person. While mail and online requests cost $25 for the first copy and $18 for each additional copy of the same record ordered at the same time, in-person requests cost $22 and $18, respectively. Online requests require credit card payments, while mail requestors must use checks and money orders payable to “City of Pawtucket”.
Mail orders also require written requests containing the decedent’s name, death date, and the requestor’s personal details. All requests for Pawtucket death records require copies of valid photo identification. Eligible persons should submit orders to the Clerk’s Office at the following address:
Pawtucket City Clerk’s Office
Pawtucket City Hall
Room 301
137 Roosevelt Avenue
Pawtucket, RI 02860
Phone: (401) 728-0500, extension 349